Weight Loss Plans and the Pied Piper

We all have to the pay the piper at some point. As you probably remember how the story went, an enterprising young man offered to take away the rats that were infesting Hamelin. In return he was to be paid for his services, but the town folk reneged on the bargain. Not only did they lose the rats, but their children, too.

Weight loss plans have some similarities to this old fable. The way you diet has much to do with paying the piper. If you try the short cut method of starving yourself, you aren't paying and the consequences won't be as expected. If you live up to your commitment, your bill is paid up.

Ninety percent of the weight loss plans commercially advertised promise fast results without any effort on your part. The effort is part of your payment to the piper, and without it you can't expect to be successful for the long haul. You also pay by making the effort to maintain a healthy diet, not one that just counts calories.

It All Begins In Your Head
Even if you are aware of the facts, they won't do you much good if you can't get with the program. The right kind of weight loss plans will work for anyone, but that only happens with commitment. If you are not motivated, no diet will work.

Just knowing something is the right thing to do is not motivation enough to carry a person through a change in lifestyle. When you develop tendencies to sit on the couch and eat junk food, it is hard to wake up one day and change unless something motivates you.

Motivation might come from your physician, who says you are at a serious health risk if you don't lose weight. Wouldn't it be better to get started on a weight maintenance program without losing your health first?
One hundred percent of weight loss plans do not provide the motivation necessary for commitment. You have to furnish that yourself. The first change you must make is right between your ears. Without that, you won't lose the pounds and maintain your optimal weight.

Time for Reprogramming
The residents of Hamelin were stubborn, much the same as people are today. Their minds were set on getting something for nothing, and there was no change in that attitude until it was too late. You have the time beginning right now to change your attitude. You must work at incorporating new thoughts into your subconscious mind if you are to follow weight loss plans that not only work to get you to the weight and size you want to be, but keep you there.

The right motivation must carry you through until your trained subconscious mind begins to take over the reins and the lifestyle becomes habit. You must convince yourself that it will only get easier, the longer you stay with a life choice to maintain the weight you really want, because it is true.
You can pay the piper now or keep on failing to lose weight and keep it off. The choice is up to you.

The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.
You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Hansen

Internal Healing: Permanent Weight Loss Is Now Possible

Generics of weight loss:
Weight usually remains fluctuates for most of the population. There are no set patterns of weight gain or weight loss. This makes it all the more difficult for it to be monitored.

In order to understand the dynamics of weight loss, it is first important to analyze your body type. This would mean you should be aware of your Body Mass Index or BMI and your blood group.

Surprisingly, this estimate, guides weight watchers in the most discreet ways. If you can follow these tricks carefully, you might be one step away from your dream weight loss.

Importance of BMI or Body mass index:
Body mass index is a calculation of fat content in your body based on your weight, height, gender and age. This estimate is helpful enough to let you know if your efforts to lose weight are giving good results.

If the fat content in your BMI calculation remains constant throughout your exercise regime, it means there is an internal healing required in your body (discussed below).

Importance of eating according to your blood type:
You should eat food according to your blood type. According to a latest research, it is shown that every blood group has an effect on the body weight. If you eat something which does not suit your blood group it can cause massive indigestion and also weight gain. You should try and eat things that suit your blood group, correctly.

For example, blood group A+ should avoid resins and nuts in order to avoid massive weight gain. Similarly other food items should be avoided for other blood groups.
If you have been having the wrong food types you should seek internal healing.

What exactly is internal healing?
Internal healing is a way to regulate hormones in your body, which eventually would aide weight loss.
The best ways of internal healing and weight loss include use of some natural and herbal products. One most effective product these days is meizitang. This botanical herb is so effective in internal weight loss, that it has caused a stir around the world. It is available in the form of soft gels and pills. Meizitang, has been widely accepted for its wonderful results.

There is a great deal of effort always required in effective weight reduction. This makes it important for you to know what method to adopt. This helps you save time and effort both. People do lose weight, all you need to know is that internal healing can help you. Weight loss achieved in this manner is permanent and self-sustaining.

Ishana Luthra, an author and director of the writing company, Pattraco, is loved for her writing.
Pattraco, is a leading writing firm, well-known for its high-quality articles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ishana_Luthra

Simple Weight Loss Solutions Without Going Into Any Programs

Weight loss solutions are commonly mistaken now as those diet programs, diet pills, and exercise programs that are advertised everywhere. Now, most people think that there is no other way to lose weight than to get one of the three paid programs. There are still other solutions where people do not have to spend so much, and they can do them on their own. The following are examples of things that can help achieve fat reduction. They may have slower results, but it will not break the budget.

1. Drink Plenty of Water - one of the best solutions that most people are not aware of. Most people think that drinking lots of water is only for proper hydration of the body. It can also induce weight loss because drinking lots of water can make a person feel full, therefore they will not over eat and gain more weight.

2. Vegetables Snacks - most people get fat because they eat too much junk food between meals. Junk foods like potato chips contain too many calories and that makes people obese. One of the best solutions is substituting those junk food snacks with vegetable snacks, like vegetable salads. This will greatly help in the battle against fat. Vegetables will offer more nourishment than junk food, and will never make anyone fat no matter how many vegetables they eat. However, it is advised to use only non-fat dressings on the vegetable salad.

3. Eat slowly - Ever wondered why it is said that French people are rarely fat? They eat their food slower. It takes some time for the brain to recognize that there is already food inside the stomach. By eating slowly, the signal from the stomach will be able to reach the brain that there is already food in the stomach. The brain now can stop sending signals of hunger. This is one of the fat burning solutions that all people, regardless of weight, should practice.

4. Do Cardio Workouts - the best weight reduction exercises are cardio exercises. Compared to other kinds of exercises, cardio exercises burn the most calories. There are many forms of cardio exercises which can be done without spending too much, like running or biking. For just an hour a day, that will greatly burn down calories inside the body.

5. Avoid using oil - most oils even how healthy they claim they are contain calories. It would greatly help any weight loss solutions if the foods that are going to be eaten do not contain any kind of oil. This means that the most recommended foods are those steamed, boiled, or broiled.

We have tested hundreds of weight loss programs & methods and isolated a simple, fast and safe way to lose 10lbs in 7 days or less. To discover this FREE and quick solution download our complimentary "Lose 10lbs in 7 days or less" report here:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amanda_A._Smith

4 Best Weight Loss Tips For Women

If you want to learn how to lose weight and better your health you have come to the right place. Below I am going to share with you four simple tips you can use to start losing weight and get in the best shape of your life now.

Take Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional supplements are necessary and very beneficial. And when combined with healthy eating, you have yourself a recipe for weight loss success. It is very difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs from food alone. That's why you must combine good nutrition with nutritional supplements. The one supplement everyone women should take is a good multi vitamin. It will ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs so you can get out there and lose the weight.

Eat Healthy
When it comes to losing weight and nutrition is the most important aspect. Without proper nutrition you will never lose a pound. As the saying goes, you are what you eat. If you eat bad things, you will be unhealthy and overweight. You eat good things, you would have the body that you've always wanted.

So starting right now, make a conscious effort to start eating healthy. It's not easy. But if you really want to lose weight it must begin. Some of the good foods you should add in your diet are chicken, fish, vegetables, nuts, berries, peanut butter, olive oil, and whole grains just to name a few. As you start to gradually change your eating habits, you will start to see major improvements in the way your body looks.

Start Exercising
Exercises is a vital part of losing weight. However, it is not as important as eating right. You see, you can work out 4 hours a day but if your diet isn't right you will never lose weight. So don't use exercise as an excuse to eat whatever you want. It doesn't work that way. Exercising is what will get you over that hump and to the body that you want.

And besides losing weight, there are many other benefits to exercise. You should aim to do at least 30 minutes of cardio three times a week. If you can, do more. You should also do strength training. Lifting weights will not bulk you up. Most women think it will. But it won't. What it will do is help you increase your metabolism and burn more fat while you're at rest.

Get Plenty Of Rest
If you truly want to maximize the amount of weight you lose, you need to get plenty of rest every night. Getting good rest every night is vital to your weight loss success. Sleep helps your body heal, replenish and get ready for the next day. Every night you should aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep. When your body gets plenty of rest, you will be able to workout harder and ultimately lose more weight.
Those are the four best weight loss tips for women. If you follow these four tips you we'll lose weight and in the best shape of your life.

Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do. I know because I struggled with my weight my whole life. But once I learned how and what to eat that all changed. I started to lose weight and feel confident again. You too can do the same thing. Are you ready to feel confident and sexy again? If so check out Eat Yourself Thin NOW!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=H._Miller

5 Really Great Weight Loss Tips For Women Over 40

Many women over the age of 40 want to lose weight. But the problem is that many of them feel like they are too old or simply can't do it. Let me first say that you are not too old. You really can do this. You can lose the weight if you're willing to put in the time and effort that it takes. There is no magic diet pill or solution for losing weight.

It takes good old hard work, determination and commitment. If you possess those three attributes, keep reading as I am going to share with you five really great weight loss tips for women over 40.

Set A Reasonable Goal
Many women will go into this process trying to drop 25 to 30 pounds in the first month. Is that possible? Absolutely! However, most people aren't willing to do what it takes to lose that amount of weight in that amount of time. So when I say set a reasonable goal, I'm saying set a goal that you know you are willing to put in the work to accomplish.

Otherwise you will just set yourself up for disappointment. And once you are disappointed, you will stop eating right, you will stop exercising and you will end up right back where you started.

Don't Tell Every One You Are Trying To Lose Weight
Unfortunately people can be very cruel sometimes. Once you tell them you're trying to lose weight they will start judging you and they can make you feel very uncomfortable. That's why it's a good idea to only tell a few close friends. Tell friends that you truly trust and know will support you throughout this process.

Having a few people in your corner to support you is very important. When you get down and want to give up, that support group is what will help you stay on track and reach your goals.

Don't Go Cold Turkey
When trying to lose weight a lot of people will go cold turkey and cut out all the foods they love. While you do need to start eating healthier, you don't want to go cold turkey. When you completely eliminate its food group, you start to feel like you are sacrificing way too much. And that will lead to you binge eating and overdoing it.

So instead of trying to go cold turkey, try the more gradual approach. Maybe start by eliminating soldiers from your diet. Try to go a whole week without drinking a soda and then reward yourself with just one soda on the weekend. This might not seem like much, but so does our full of empty calories. So by eliminating a few sodas a week you put yourself in a great position to lose weight.

Get The Support Of Your Spouse
If you are married, it is very important that you get the support of your spouse and anyone else living in your house. Ask them to be sensitive to what you're trying to do. If you can't handle it, ask them not to eat cookies, ice cream and other junk foods in front of you. This simple step will help you stay focused and ultimately reach your weight loss goals.

Go Workout
Listen, eating right is only half the battle. If you want to truly maximize your weight loss, you'll have to start working out on a regular basis. There is no way around this. Your diet can only get you so far. If you want to get toned and stronger, you will have to get and the gym and exercise.

Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do. I know because I struggled with my weight my whole life. But once I learned how and what to eat that all changed. I started to lose weight and feel confident again. You too can do the same thing. Are you ready to feel confident and sexy again? If so check out Eat Yourself Thin NOW!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=H._Miller

Exercise Routines That Could Help Your Weight Loss Program

While controlling the intake of food and take only health foods, it is extremely important to engage in exercise routines if your need is to make a slim figure. There are a lot of exercises that could give to your weight loss program. Choosing the right exercise routine is of utmost importance as it will help you to lose weight without getting affected by side effects.

This is a good low impact exercise that anyone could engage in. It is safe and doesn't need any earlier practice as it is the most natural form of exercise. Walking will not only help you cut weight but also helps you lower your bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol levels. It will help you to improve your mood and will help you stay strong and fit.

Research has proven that you never need to strain yourself while walking. Both walking and jogging bring about the same results. Good preparation could prevent injuries.

Use of Elliptical machines
If you don't have space to walk or if you don't want to spend time outside, you could either use an elliptical machine at home or you could use it in the gym. Rather than using a treadmill, using an elliptical machine is easier and it will give exercise to many parts of the body. Some of these machines have handles that work like ski sticks and also they could be back pedaled. Therefore, using it is very good if you are on a weight loss program.

Yoga is a time-tested method of exercise routine that could be used on a weight loss program. The biggest advantage of yoga is that once you learn it you will feel like practicing it for life time. Continuation of exercise routines after you make you targets is the most important factor in a slimming program. Therefore, yoga is the ideal type of exercise for weight loss. The down side of yoga is that you need to be trained by a person experienced on this routine of exercise. Engaging in yoga without proper supervision is dangerous and you may get injured.

When you combine these exercise routines with the right kind of diet, bringing down your weight will not pose you a problem. You will enjoy doing these exercises and you will be happy when you do your weight loss target. However, it is a must to carry on with food restrictions and exercise routines to stay fit.
Proactol Plus, a very well known scientific way to lose weight. Click here to know more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Menaaz_Memon

Advertise At Weight Loss Forums

One of the strongest hypes in the world is the hype of weight loss. In fact, there's a saying that goes like this: you can never be too rich or too thin. Even stick-thin models admit to having "fat" days and a lot of kids still whine about wanting to lose a few pounds even when they already look famished. This is what motivates a lot of cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies to invest in research and development for yet more and more diet pills. Now, if you're a little tech-savvy, you know that one of the best places to spot the best diet pills is through weight loss forums. Yes, despite the huge mass of choices out there.

Forums, in general, are web-based avenues where people of similar interest can talk about certain topics in real time. All one needs to do to participate is just to register using your e-mail and after you get the notification email from the forum's site, you can automatically start posting your questions, start topics / threads, comment on others' posts, and some forums even offer chatting services to their members.

Forums usually carry a single genre. For example, there are forums about youth culture, marriage, education, drug usage and yes, there are also forums which are dedicated to weight loss.

In weight loss forums, everyone who is interested about shedding excess fats (yes, from people who are still trying to dip their fingers into the idea to the ones who are obsessed about losing weight) convene there. So whether one's trying to ask whether it's safe to buy diet pills online or if a new brand is effective, s/ he can just go there. Isn't it just the right place for you to place your ads? High traffic, high exposure with the right people.

For advertising in weight loss forums, you can go as subtly as posting sponsored diet pill reviews about your product or you can be as aggressive as placing banner ads on every page opened. It's really up to you. What is important is that you plan your marketing collateral well and make sure that every ad published out there is eye-catching and convincing so that it will translate into a lot of sales. At this point, it's best to get a consultant who has a background with online marketing. If you can't find someone with that kind of experience at a small budget, a generic marketing background will do. After all, you're already in the right place, all you need to do is to be the right ad.

Add the input from fellow people that are all looking to improve their bodies and offer support in the weight loss forum. Read candid reviews from fellow dieters and those committed to bettering their bodies. From weight loss products, to diet pill reviews, to weight loss programs, and the latest tips, you can find it all at http://www.Weight-Loss-Center.net.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ellen_Wright

Weight Loss And Weight Supplements

Are you trying to lose weight? The second question is how are you trying to lose weight? There is a multitude of top weight loss supplements that you can buy from different retail outlets or internet suppliers. But one thing that you have to know is that supplements are supposed to help people in living a wholesome lifestyle and managing weight problems. However, supplements alone can only be effective if combined with exercise, diet and emotional wellbeing. In short, only exercise and proper regimen can really bring about weight loss. You need to consume foods with low calorie content such as vegetables, fruits, lean red meat, low-fat dairy products, and whole grains.

FDA and Weight Loss Supplements
So, what do you have to know about supplements? It is important to know that manufacturers of top weight loss supplements have to follow regulations prescribed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA does not require these manufacturers to report the safety or efficacy of their products before being displayed in retail outlets. However, all producers need to evaluate the safety of their products and inform the agency regarding adverse effects regarding their supplements. The FDA has the authority to limit the use of these items or prohibit their sales once the supplement is proven dangerous for consumption.

Marketability of Weight Loss Supplements
Weight loss supplements continue to be popular among consumers coming from a cross-section of society. In fact, the sales of these products have not been affected despite the recent guidelines issued by the FDA and the proliferation of media reports regarding these issues. Online articles, health magazines and other published medical journals have published articles that supplements continue to flourish in the market.

Nonetheless, insufficient or conflicting evidence remain on the subject of their incompetence as dependable and non-hazardous solutions. Such supplements are often referred to as fat burning substances that function by enhancing metabolism or life-sustaining chemical process in the human being's systems. Although some of these are prescribed, the progress is tracked down closely to establish the consequences.

One reason why this has been rejected by the FDA is the lack or lack of proper labeling of ingredients on these products. Another concern is the increase in blood pressure and potential heart issues when you use these supplements.

The negative publicity persists despite the massive publicity regarding top weight loss supplements. Everyone is encouraged to exercise caution in taking both prescription and non-prescription supplements because of the apparent negative effects such as psychological desire for supplements.

Will Supplements Work?
You have to remember that all human beings have different bodies and body systems so weight reduction programs are not the same for all people. It is essential to make safety a priority before taking any supplement. In other words, you must ensure that a particular slimming or concoction should be safe and effective for purchasing it form the health store. It is almost impossible that a specific supplement will make you shed off several pounds instantly. This should be your premise in stating if these top weight loss supplements will really work.

There are a huge number of top weight loss supplements that you can purchase which are supposed to help people in living a wholesome lifestyle and managing weight problems. Learn more about- quick weight loss products

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Justin_Keys

Healthy Weight Loss and Character Type

There are so many different character types it is difficult to always have the right answer for every person's problem. Analysts have lengthy explanations, lists of possible disorders, and all sorts of theories as to why every individual develops into the person he or she becomes. These mental designations explain to the educated mind why a person is good, bad, overweight, skinny, or has any number of other flaws or strengths.

In the healthy weight loss arena, a person's character has much to do with how successful they are with any program they attempt. Whether you ascribe to a therapist's or weight loss coach's evaluation of you or not, if you aren't losing weight, there is a reason why. You may not be able to change some parts of your character, but you must be able to compensate for anything that gets in the way of your goal.

Lack of Confidence
How confident are you with your abilities? Don't think about weight loss, just your personal level of confidence about anything you do. If you have such little faith in yourself that you seldom accomplish anything constructive, you must move beyond that obstacle before you can experience healthy weight loss.

Most people who struggle for years with their weight have some confidence issues, and many people are able to grow beyond this weak point. If your confidence is lacking, don't let it be the dominating part of your character. You can overcome this, the same as other overweight people have done.

If you are overweight and not depressed about it, that is unusual. There is speculation about whether depression causes a person to become overweight or vice versa. It is certain that they work hand in hand for many who are overweight, but depression is something that can be controlled with the proper motivation which in turn affects the ability to successfully lose weight.

Turn Character Flaws Into Healthy Weight Loss
First, understand that depression and lack of confidence come from the same place; failure. If you fail at something, it does not mean you are a failure. It is perfectly normal to be depressed if you don't achieve your goals in a healthy weight loss program, but it should only be temporary.

If you don't have confidence in your ability to lose weight, it might be because you haven't prepared yourself properly to do it. Most confident people get that way by working at something until they are a success at it. They don't start out successful; they earn it and most often that is by way of failing first.

Your attitude should be that achieving the weight you want is a LIFETIME accomplishment, not a quick fix. You can build confidence and dispel depression when you accomplish healthy weight loss. This is why motivation is such an important part of your routine when you begin to lose weight and become healthier.

None of us are always sure of ourselves, and we all have depressed periods in our lives. With the proper motivation and the right attitude, these are merely stumbling blocks in our path that can be overcome.

The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.
You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Hansen

6 Tips For Weight Loss Motivation

It is very easy to start a diet and fitness program. Millions do it every day. Have you ever wondered if so many people are dieting, why is there such an obese epidemic? The answer is that most lose their motivation within a couple of weeks and stop their weight loss journey. It is easy to get motivated for a couple of days or a week, but very hard to keep that motivation going. Listed below you will find 6 weight loss motivation tips that have proven to be beneficial in keeping people working toward their fitness goals.

1. Write your goals down. It does not matter if your goal is to lose 10 lbs of fat or 200 lbs of fat it needs to be in writing. The very act of putting pen to paper will spark your motivation. You should review your goal when you start your day and right before going to bed.

2. Picture your success. Find a picture of someone, that has the body you would like to have. Replace their head with yours and place it somewhere that you will see it everyday. Every time you see it, you will be refocused on your goal for a healthier you.

3. Have a why. Ensure that your reason for losing fat and getting healthy are strong ones. Look at things like being around for your family, not having to take expensive medications, and just being able to enjoy life.. As the saying goes "when the why is strong enough the how becomes easy".

4. Make sub goals. Be sure to break your goals down. If your goal is to lose 60 lbs that can be a bit
overwhelming. If you break the goal weight loss down to 5 lbs at a time it is easier to focus on 5 lbs at a time. As a bonus once you reach each 5 lbs weight loss you will be much more motivated to continue.

5. Join a fitness challenge. There are many challenges that you can join where you compete with others.
Competition is always a strong motivator plus the prizes that are given to the winner don't hurt either.

6. Reward yourself. As you reach each weight loss goal give yourself a reward. Make the rewards
 proportional. The reward for 5 lbs should not be as big as the reward for your final goal weight reward. That way you are always working toward a bigger prize. This will definitely keep you motivated throughout your fat loss program.

Just take it one day at a time and get the most out of each day.Before you know it you will be in great shape.
Mark L Crews invites you to learn more about weight loss and receive the free report "Six Pack Abs Revealed" by visiting http://www.workoutover40.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_L_Crews

Weight Loss Diets for Women - Basic Principles

There are numerous weight loss diets for women available, because everybody has food related preferences. Therefore, women prefer to keep only certain diets that fit their lifestyle better. Here are some principles underlying the most famous diets.

One way that can help you reach the weight you desire is changing the metabolism by reducing the intake of carbohydrates, thereby dissolving the body fat. This diet is best suited for women who want to see immediate results.

Another famous principle that helps in losing weight is alternating a day in which you can eat whatever you desire and crave for, with a day in which you do not eat more than 500 calories. This method can block the process that stores fat, and it is also stated that it enhances the immune system.

Other weight loss diets for women state that a diet plan based on low-calorie foods, high protein, and non-fat, that has the purpose to significantly diminish your appetite is another way of reaching the weight you desire.

A good principle is also the division of carbohydrates depending on how fast your body processes and changes them into energy. Foods that release energy gradually are preferred, because they delay hunger and provide enough energy throughout a day.

Other diets include a principle that promotes the adjustment of the insulin in the body within certain levels, by eating food at optimal time intervals and keeping the right balance. It is also important to keep an eye on the other hormones. This way the body works within an ideal zone, ensuring weight loss and a high level of energy.

Other weight loss diets for women suggest low-fat and low-calorie food, or calorie counting. For the last one, you have to determine how many calories everything you eat or drink has. For losing weight, you should keep the day-by-day calories intake lower than your body and daily activities require.

Another way of losing weight is breaking the cycle that causes the insulin levels to rise or fall, a process that occurs as a result of eating quickly absorbed carbohydrates, thus encouraging you to snack. This is another diet that helps losing weight fast and it also helps eliminate the extra pounds around the abdomen.

All you have to do is to choose the diet that fits your taste and needs the best, because there are many weight loss diets for women available on the market, online, or in magazines.


For free 2 x proven weight loss program Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential weight loss info and the BEST weight loss and muscle building strategies for success, visit our website at: http://samedayweightloss.com/index-eza.htm.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amanda_A._Smith

Juicing for Weight Loss and Better Health

A week ago my sister started a juice fast. She said she wanted to do it for weight loss and as a way to cleanse herself internally. Many people fast for such purposes. A juice cleanse is one of the most common methods that people use to help jump start a weight loss program or to simply help cleanse their body of toxins.

The method my sister chose was by purchasing a three day cleansing program from a company that specializes in all natural juice. These juices were made up of 100% fruits and/or vegetables. She drank these juices for three days and was allowed to eat certain foods when hungry. The results were weight loss and a new love for juicing. She ended up purchasing her own juicer and continues to drink fruits and vegetables as part of her diet now.

A juice fast can be one of the easiest types of fasts to do. Rather than not eating anything at all, you are taking in liquid while getting vitamins and minerals as well. The downside is that you will be hungry and even more so when you have to be around others who are eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The smell of food will make you want to throw in the towel. However, three days isn't extremely long. It just takes discipline to finish. After my sister completed her cleanse, I can share what the pros and cons were:
  • A juice fast is simple and easy to follow
  • Can be inexpensive if you juice fruits and vegetables yourself
  • Weight loss
  • More than likely will continue drinking fresh juice on a regular basis
  • Requires patience and discipline
  • Temptation to quit can be high
  • Can be expensive depending on the plan you follow
Besides the weight loss, I feel the best benefit is that my sister has a whole new outlook on food. She says her cravings are gone and she enjoys the way juicing makes her feel. Her food choices are much better. In fact, her diet has been consisting of items such as broiled fish and vegetables.

Juice cleanses should not be started without consulting with a health professional to be on the safe side. I also would avoid any plan that lasts longer than three days and states that you cannot consume food at all.

Another option for cleansing the body is through the use of herbal cleanses. A good herbal cleanse should allow the consumption of salads and/or fruits and vegetables.

Learn more about the benefits of a herbal cleanse for shedding excess pounds. Check out the Dherbs herbal weight loss supplement at: http://dherbs.com/store/weight-release-formula-p-68.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_Haines

Is Your Current Thinking Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Success?

With as many as two thirds of us overweight to one degree or another we try different diets and exercise programs without much success. In fact, 95 percent of all diet plans fail to get the people that embark on them any significant weight loss for the long-term.

Many of these people start these programs and very often get some results in the short term.
Unfortunately, however most of these same people end up just a few days/weeks later falling off the weight loss wagon because they are not prepared mentally for the changes they need to make to their lifestyle to maintain their new found weight loss.

To succeed in anything, your head has to be in good shape. You need to believe - and keep on believing - that the changes you need to make are worthwhile. Even the very best diet or exercise program will fail if you haven't fully accepted the life and body changes you need to make to become a slim person.

What happens is without some new inner mind programming nothing has changed on the inside so what happens is that any junk thinking you may be harbouring will derail you time and time again no matter how many diet plans you begin. Mainstream weight loss systems do not take this into account and they can only give you results while you are on the program. But they don't tell you HOW to slick to the program long term and your inner programming is in charge of this.

If you want to succeed at weight loss, you need to cut the "mental fat", and that will lead to cutting the "waistline fat". To do that you need to get to know YOU on a deeper level and look at the patterns and habits in your life that you are dragging around with you that get in the way of your own success.
What is your junk thinking doing to your good intentions?

We can easily build up this 'junk thinking' with misinformation and inherited wisdom about nutrition, dieting and what proper exercise REALLY means. We get all this stuff spinning around in our head mixed together with some plain old self-delusion and 'bingo' we have a recipe for getting and staying stuck in an overweight, unhealthy and unhappy body. That slim, fit, healthy body that we really want remains frustratingly out of reach.

But we can change the way we think so we can 'get out of our own way' and achieve the weight loss success that would be life-changing for us. First, we need to identify the thoughts, feelings, emotions and self-beliefs that are causing the roadblock and change them so they no longer sabotage us at every turn. Then we need to replace them with ones that will serve us better. Only then will you be programmed for getting that new slim body and the good health that goes along with it... permanently...

Once you have dropped new thoughts and ideas into your head you will be amazed at how quickly they take root and little by little you begin to make better food choices, eat less overall and even enjoy exercise.
Losing weight will then happen on autopilot, you will not even need a diet plan. You already know what foods to eat and what foods to avoid and it is simply a matter of allowing that to happen but without the self-sabotage that you normally experience.

Imagine how good it will feel to reclaim that slim trim body? Well, you can have this simply by overwriting old negative mind programming and installing new programming into your subconscious mind that will lead you to the body of your dreams. Sounds easy doesn't it? Well it is, and it works like a treat, and once you get started you will be so grateful to have its power working for you to achieve what you desire.

The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.
You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Hansen

Staying Motivated For Weight Loss

It's a familiar story for many of us. The fast weight loss which can follow the beginning of a determined effort to shed excess weight has to taper off at some stage. And when it does, motivation can often suffer. Staying motivated in your quest to attain your ideal weight is absolutely key to achieving your targets. So just how can you avoid slipping into your old lifestyle when your new regime hits a little blip?

To help keep you on the right track, we've collated our top 10 tips for staying motivated. Just remember - don't lose your cool when you should be losing KGs.
  1. Take a moment to realise just how far you've come. Before and after weight loss photos are among the most powerful motivators. So now's the time to dig out those 'before' photos and ask yourself "Do I really want to look like that again?"

  2. Start again. You're lighter than when you first started, but try imagining that this is the weight you've always been and that you've only just decided to lose weight. If you can capture that sense of determination again, you're well on your way regaining your lost motivation.

  3. Don't use setbacks as an excuse to give up. This is probably the most common reason for regressing into an unhealthy lifestyle. One slip-up is not the end of the world. Even a few slip-ups are expected on your way to achieving your perfect weight. You'll get through it as long as you realise you should make up for these moments of weakness by spending some extra time in the gym, rather than using them as an excuse to fail.

  4. Tell someone you're feeling de-motivated. Pep-talks from friends and family can be unbelievably helpful when you feel your motivation slipping. Don't be embarrassed to admit you're struggling, no-one expects weight loss to be easy. They won't be any less proud of you and they'll be delighted to help.

  5. Set new goals. It's likely you've already achieved some of the goals you set yourself when you started your healthy regime - what a great feeling! So it's important to remember to set new, realistic short-term goals which you can work towards and give yourself a pat on the back when you achieve them.

  6. Write down what could happen if you don't achieve your goal. Really sit down and think of everything from 'going back to being fat' to 'poor health and medical problems'. This is a short, sharp shock technique which will quickly clear your head of doubts and remind you of why you're losing weight.

  7. Go shopping. Buy some new clothes - whether you've gone down a size or not it will make you feel great. While you're in the store, look at some clothes in the next size down and make a deal with yourself to come back in 2 months to buy them.

  8. Get rid of the baggy clothes. They don't fit you anymore and you only wore them to disguise your weight. You don't need them now and you never will again. Throwing them away makes going back to your old lifestyle much less of an easy option.

  9. Plan a controlled cheat. Saying 'I'll never eat a bag of chips again' is not the answer. It'll end up driving you mad. By planning a favourite meal or snack which is no longer part of your diet every once in a while, you'll reward yourself, keep your motivation up and it won't affect your healthy regime. Skinny people eat chips once in a while too you know!

  10. Keep your final goal in mind. You've done well so far but you're not there yet. Whether you picture real people of your ideal weight or you imagine yourself that size, it's a great way to remember you can't rest on your laurels just yet and you still need to work hard to get there.
Zephanol-HP is a leading weight loss diet supplement. Containing natural and safe ingredients proven to dissolve fat, suppress appetite and enhance mood and energy, Zephanol HP's effective fat loss program will change your life, and your waist size, forever.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_Simmons

Top 10 Tips For Rapid Weight Loss

If you are serious about losing weight there are a few things you must do. Below I am going to share with you 10 simple tips that will put your weight loss into overdrive and have you dropping pounds like never before.

Drink More Water
We hear all the time but how many people actually listen. If you want to lose weight fast you need to say bye to the sodas and make water your best buddy. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water every single day. It will help you stay hydrated and healthy. It will also make you feel fuller longer and flush out any harmful toxins.

Eat More Often
I know it sounds counter intuitive but if you want to lose weight you have to eat more often. Its not about eating more food though. Its about breaking your food down and eating more meals to consume the same amount of food. Your body is not equipped to metabolize large meals. That's why the whole 3 meals a day is not a good idea. For rapid fat loss you need to eat at least 6 small meals a day. The keyword being small. If you eat 6 large meals a day you will be doubling your caloric intake and gaining more weight.

Use Weights During Your Workout
One of the best ways to maximize fat burning is to workout with weights. And don't worry ladies. Weights won't bulk you up. Weights strengthen your overall body and give you that nice toned physique you are after. You will also boost your metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day when you workout with weights.

Eat Plenty Of Protein
You need protein in order for you body to burn fat at a rapid pace. But that's not all protein will do for you. It will also help you repair muscles after a workout and maintain any muscle that you already have. So get plenty of chicken and salmon as your sources of protein.

Cut Calories Wisely
The first thing most people do when they are trying to lose weight is cut their calories drastically. This is a big no no. You should cut back slowly over a certain period of time. Cut back 500 calories a month until you reach your goal. However, never go below 1050 calories a day. Its just not healthy.

Reward Yourself
Whenever you hit a milestone, reward yourself. By doing so you will stay motivated to keep going. Once you drop the first 10 or 20 pounds go have your favorite cheat meal. This way you will be less likely to cheat over and over again. Just remember its all about moderation.

Changes Things Up A Bit
Your body is extremely intelligent. It will eventually adapt to any workout you do. Once your body adapts you will be burning less calories doing that particular exercise. So instead of doing the same exact thing everyday mix it up a bit. One day you can run on the treadmill and one day you can ride the bike. These simple changes will go a long ways towards your weight loss.

Don't Workout For Hours At A Time
Marathon workouts are not the way to go. This is a big mistake that a lot of people make. Short intense workouts are a lot more effective than long drawn out ones. So instead of staying in the gym for 3 full hours why not break that up into two separate workouts? You can go once in the morning and once in the afternoon. This will help you maintain a high metabolism during the day.

Cut Back On The Alcohol
Listen, if you are serious about dropping those pounds fast you will need to cut back on the alcohol. Alcohol is full of empty calories that go straight to your stomach and thighs. Alcohol is also a fat burning inhibitor which means your body will hold on to it longer. So watch your alcohol intake.

Start Right Now
If you want to lose weight fast you need to get started right now. Stop waiting until next week or next month. Start now and in the next 30 days you could be 20 pounds lighter.

Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do. I know because I struggled with my weight my whole life. But once I learned how and what to eat that all changed. I started to lose weight and feel confident again. You too can do the same thing. Are you ready to feel confident and sexy again? If so check out Eat Yourself Thin NOW!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=H._Miller