On Being Thin and Body Mass Index

Most people are genetically designed to become thin. The genetics of a person would define if he would be underweight, overweight or in the right weight. In order to measure the weight of a person, science has relied on BMI. BMI or Body Mass Index is a weight measurement technique that focuses on the weight of the person through height. This means that the height of the person should be equal to his weight. If the BMI results would be lower, this means that the person is underweight and he would need to increase his body mass through eating and exercising. However, if the person has a higher level of BMI, then he might be suffering from obesity. Through measuring BMI with BMI weight scales, the weight of the person would accurately be predicted. Usually, doctors and health professionals that would measure the BMI of a person would also give the IDA or Ideal Daily Allowance of a person. This means that the person who would not pass his BMI would either need to go on a diet or consume more calories.

BMI is not actually accurate in measuring the percentage of the fats inside the body. However, it is very effective in assessing the body weight of a person through his height. BMI is practiced around the world in order to help children who might be suffering from weight problems. Through BMI, people would know if they are really underweight and if they would need to eat more food. Basically, the level of people who fall under the category of underweight has several more levels. For instance, if a person is measured as underweight through the use of BMI weight scales then that person would now be measured according to the severity of his weight problem. If he is just nearly under the ideal body index for his height, then he can be assessed as slim or in mild underweight. However, if the person is away from the ideal body index, then he can be assessed as severely underweight.

Obesity has a lot of health problems and people would think that being slim would be the answer yet being severely underweight also has its problems. Very low levels of BMI might be termed as malnourished. People, especially kids, who have a very low Body Mass Index might be suffering from health problems like parasitic infections or viral diseases. Usually, men and women who have a very low BMI level would need to take further diagnostics in their mental and physical condition. Women who are very slim might be suffering from various mental disorders like Anorexia and Bulimia. Both anorexia and bulimia are associated with a fear of gaining weight. Women who would suffer from such diseases tend to have a problem in their moral and spiritual mentalities. That is why through the use of Body Mass Index, doctors can detect problems with patients who are suffering from anorexia or bulimia so that they can be helped before it is too late.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Kline

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