Many people incorrectly think that skinny runners are healthy
runners. This is not necessarily the case. Sometimes a little weight is a
good thing. A runner doesn't want to be too much overweight, but you
don't want to be underweight, either. You want to make sure that you are
running at the correct weight - for you.
Your weight and running performance are linked - as I'm sure that you know. Let's look at different weights and how it will affect your running.
Overweight. If you are too much overweight, it can lead to injury. This is because of the extra pounding on your knees and ankles. Overweight runners should increase their weekly mileage slowly than other runners to avoid the excess strain.
But just because you are overweight is no reason to not run. Just take it easy. Look at entry forms. Many races these days have divisions for runners that are carrying around a few more pounds.
Just a little overweight. Runners that are slightly overweight will have all the energy that they need to run hard. They are also at little risk for injury. These runners, however, may not be able to run as fast as they would like.
Normal weight. Most runners want to be here. If you are running correctly - you have the least risk of energy if you are at an average weight. You also should be more energetic.
A little underweight. If you are not eating enough, your body will break down your muscle for energy since it doesn't have food for fuel.
Greatly underweight. If you are not eating, you are putting excess stress on your heart and may be at risk for a heart attack or stroke.
So, make sure that you are not underweight or carrying around too much extra weight. There are health risks with both. You can find calculators to help you determine your body mass to see what category you fall in. Runner's World Magazine online has one of these calculators. All you need to know if your height and weight. The "normal" BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. However, remember the "normal" is different for men than it is for women.
The important thing is to be happy with who you are - but just be aware that too much weight or not enough weight may not be good for you or for your running.
Your weight and running performance are linked - as I'm sure that you know. Let's look at different weights and how it will affect your running.
Overweight. If you are too much overweight, it can lead to injury. This is because of the extra pounding on your knees and ankles. Overweight runners should increase their weekly mileage slowly than other runners to avoid the excess strain.
But just because you are overweight is no reason to not run. Just take it easy. Look at entry forms. Many races these days have divisions for runners that are carrying around a few more pounds.
Just a little overweight. Runners that are slightly overweight will have all the energy that they need to run hard. They are also at little risk for injury. These runners, however, may not be able to run as fast as they would like.
Normal weight. Most runners want to be here. If you are running correctly - you have the least risk of energy if you are at an average weight. You also should be more energetic.
A little underweight. If you are not eating enough, your body will break down your muscle for energy since it doesn't have food for fuel.
Greatly underweight. If you are not eating, you are putting excess stress on your heart and may be at risk for a heart attack or stroke.
So, make sure that you are not underweight or carrying around too much extra weight. There are health risks with both. You can find calculators to help you determine your body mass to see what category you fall in. Runner's World Magazine online has one of these calculators. All you need to know if your height and weight. The "normal" BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. However, remember the "normal" is different for men than it is for women.
The important thing is to be happy with who you are - but just be aware that too much weight or not enough weight may not be good for you or for your running.
As you can see, this is important to your success as a runner. Visit Running Tips for other tips for staying out on the roads. You can also sign up for my Free weekly newsletter at Runner For Life.
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Thank you for giving the tips. I would like to tell that gaining weight is more easy than losing the weight. I have recently gained lot of weight by dealing with weight gain 4 women.